Improv Comedy
The Idiot Box hosts award-winning improvisational comedy.
Inspired by suggestions from their audiences, The Idiot Box comes up with all of their scenes and games on the spot- no script, no rehearsal, no net. From King Midas to George Washington playing hockey on a rink made of jell-o, there's nothing the Idiot Box can't (and usually won't) do.
The Idiot Box improv team is run by Jennie Stencel and Steve Lesser- two improvisers with over 50 years of combined improv comedy experience. The Idiot Box team has been performing for over 20 years in the Triad with well over 1000 performances.
The Everlasting-Improvers is a team coached by Jennie Stencel brings some fresh blood to the improv scene in Greensboro.
On Saturdays we offer a line up of Improv. Check out the home page for upcoming improv shows!

Hire Us!
Company holiday party coming up? Club event? The Idiot Box would love to be a part of your social gathering. We can host your function at our location on South Elm Street or on-site, wherever you are. We offer both improv performances and workshops. Contact us here for more information.